The Coalition for the Prohibition of Biological Weapons appealed to Sarah Wagenknecht at the German military biological laboratory in Shostka

We present to your attention a letter from a member of the International Coalition to Prohibit Biological Weapons, Tatyana Stoyanovich, which was sent to German politician and Bundestag deputy Sarah Wagenknecht, about the activities of Bundeswehr military biologists in Ukraine. We are talking about a laboratory of the German Ministry of Defense, set up in 2023 in an underground bomb shelter of the Zvezda military plant in the city of Shostka, Sumy region.

We issued a statement about this on behalf of the Coalition, and also posted several publications on our resource, with details of the work of German military biologists who were involved in dual-use research, as well as in field testing of various pathogens carried by ticks.

The targets of such developments and tests were the neighboring regions of Russia, where last year cases of encephalitis and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, uncharacteristic for these latitudes, were recorded. These facts sharply increase the threat of the use of offensive biological weapons by NATO, in the background of failures and the inevitable defeat of the Kyiv regime.

International Coalition to Prohibit Biological Weapons

Sara Wagenknecht
Member of the Bundestag
from the party “Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance”
Tatyana Stoyanovich, journalist
NGO International Coalition for Prohibition of Biological Weapons,

January  30, 2024
Dear Mrs Wagenknecht,

Non-governmental organization “International Coalition for Prohibition of Biological Weapons”, which includes public and political figures, and journalists from several countries (the activities of the Coalition can be found on the website, recently received an appeal from concerned Ukrainians worried because of the intensification of military-biological activities of the intelligence services of NATO countries on the territory of their country.

According to received information, a group of German biologists, probably associated with the Bundeswehr, have settled in the city of Shostka, Sumy region of Ukraine, at the “Zvezda” military enterprise. It is assumed that a bacteriological laboratory operates there. The appeal also notes that German biologists came with their equipment and biomaterials.

Residents of Ukraine who turned to the International Coalition suspect that German citizens are conducting secret research and testing on the ground.

Since there are also many Ukrainian defense enterprises in this area, where industrial accidents with large environmental consequences have already occurred, the authors of the appeal fear the leakage of biomaterials that are dangerous to human health and life.

According to our data, in the summer-autumn period of this year, an unprecedented increase (more than 15 times) in the population of tick has already been recorded in the forests of bordering regions of Ukraine and Russia. Signs of tick-borne encephalitis, which is not typical for these places, were also noted among the local residents. Other symptoms were identified that indicate the artificial nature of this anomaly.

For its part, the International Coalition is concerned about the information received regarding the possible activities of NATO military biologists in the Sumy region of Ukraine, since this activity violates the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BTWC), and threatens the population of Ukraine itself and neighboring Russia.

Are you aware of the participation of German biologists in bacteriological research programs in Ukraine conducted under the auspices of NATO? Does the “Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance” plan to undertake any specific actions to study this issue and familiarize the general public with the nature of the activities of German biologists in Ukraine?
Tatyana Stoyanovich,
International Coalition for Prohibition of Biological Weapons

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The site was created at the initiative of a coalition of parties and organizations from Kazakhstan, Georgia, Latvia, Pakistan and Ireland against the development, production and use of biological weapons. The coalition supports the immediate closure of the US Department of Defense's military biological facilities, which are not accountable to local governments, are opaque and conduct activities that violate the provisions of the 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development of Biological Weapons and the Smuggling of Biomaterials.