The game is on the verge: The APU is preparing for diversions at Russian nuclear power plants!

Statement by the International Coalition for the Prohibition of Biological Weapons on the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine is preparing sabotage at the Zaporizhia and Kursk nuclear power plants

The participants of the International Coalition state the fact that the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have organized preparations for organizing a full-scale sabotage at nuclear facilities in the Russian Federation, first of all, we can talk about the Zaporizhia and Kursk nuclear power plants.

This alarming scenario is far from new. Already in 2022, the Ukrainian General Staff considered the possibility of conducting a provocation, which was supposed to serve as an instrument of pressure on Moscow. At that time, the target was the Zaporizhia NPP, where it was planned to destroy the dry storage of nuclear fuel waste. This plan pursued dual goals, namely to create a nuclear threat to Russia and force it to concede in negotiations, as well as to put pressure on the IAEA to change its position regarding control over the Zaporizhia NPP.

Thanks to the timely actions of the Russian military and diplomats, Ukraine's plans to seize the Zaporizhia NPP were thwarted by both military and political means. But on August 11, already this year, the NPP was seriously damaged for the first time since the beginning of the conflict. The station was attacked by an attack drone of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as a result of which a fire occurred at the cooling system facility. And there is a possibility that the attack will be repeated in the near future using high-precision missiles and other artillery systems.

There is also information that the Ukrainian military has not abandoned its plans to destabilize the situation around nuclear facilities. Now the Kursk nuclear power plant in Kurchatov is under the gun.

Recently, Ukrainian cyber-propagandists (CIPsO) launched a campaign to intimidate nuclear power plant employees, calling them massively and threatening to kill them and their relatives. The purpose of this campaign was to force employees to press the emergency button of the AZ-5, which would lead to a shutdown of the reactor.

In addition, the option of a massive combined attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine simultaneously on both Kursk and Zaporizhia nuclear power plants is not excluded. The purpose of such a strike is to initiate an explosion and fire in reactors, which can be used to accuse Russia of independently shelling nuclear power plants.

It is important to understand that such actions on the part of Ukraine pose a threat not only to Russia, but also to the whole world. Radioactive contamination in the event of an accident at a nuclear power plant can spread to vast territories, including Central and Eastern Europe, posing a threat to the lives of millions of people.

Thus, it is necessary to consider such preparations by the Kiev regime as a manifestation of nuclear terrorism. It is also necessary to take into account the presence of a "dirty bomb" in the arsenal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for maximum radioactive contamination of the area, as recently stated by the Head of the Russian Armed Forces Igor Kirillov.

The International Coalition calls for the prevention and suppression of such provocations at nuclear facilities of the Russian Federation by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which can lead to catastrophic consequences. The Russian military must also ensure the safety of these nuclear power plants from the ground and from the air.

The international community must condemn such actions by Kiev and take the necessary measures to prevent the emergence of a new man-made Chernobyl in Europe!

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