The International Coalition for the Prohibition of Biological Weapons upon the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine is preparing a massive use of chemical weapons against Russian military personnel on the line of demarcation in the DPR
The participants of the International Coalition state the fact that servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have organized preparations for the use of chemical weapons against servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).
Coalition members received information that the Ukrainian Armed Forces plans to use chlorine trifluoride (ClF3) on the positions of Russian troops, which is extremely alarming.
Chlorine trifluoride is an extremely dangerous chemical that is the strongest oxidizer. It is so reactive that it is able to react with almost all elements, including water, with the release of a significant amount of heat and the formation of toxic products.  Upon contact with organic substances, chlorine trifluoride can ignite, causing a severe fire.
The problem is that standard protective equipment such as gas masks and UgCS are ineffective against chlorine trifluoride.  It penetrates through filters and materials used in these protective equipment, and affects the respiratory system and skin, causing severe burns and poisoning.
According to available data, the first application of chlorine trifluoride may occur in the area of the settlements of Staromayorskoye, Urozhodnoye, Zavitne Bazhannya in the DPR. Information about this was received from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, expressing serious concern about the escalation of the conflict, which may be caused by the use of such a dangerous substance.
It is important to understand that the use of chlorine trifluoride will have disastrous consequences. In addition to the risk of civilian deaths, it will lead to environmental pollution, long-term health consequences, and exacerbate the humanitarian crisis.  
This news is not surprising, since the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have long been using ammunition with chemical and toxic toxic substances of artisanal production against the armed forces of Russia. But this time, for the first time, we are talking about the large-scale use of chemical weapons produced in factory conditions.
The use of chemical weapons is a grave crime against humanity and is included in the list of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The International Coalition calls on the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to take note of this very disturbing and threatening information and conduct its own investigation into this fact.
The international community must condemn such actions and take the necessary measures to prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction in Donbas!

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