The Coalition for the Prohibition of Bioweapons supported Alexander Lukashenko in the elimination of US laboratories in Kazakhstan and Armenia

The participants of the International Coalition for the Prohibition of Biological Weapons, which includes representatives of parties and movements from nine countries, addressed an open letter to the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, in which they supported his initiative to raise and discuss the issue of American military biological laboratories on the territory of Kazakhstan and Armenia at the upcoming CSTO summit in Minsk. In his speech at the last summit of the organization in Yerevan, the Belarusian leader demanded to liquidate these facilities in the CSTO member states.

Editorial Office

To the President of the Republic of Belarus
A. G. Lukashenko

Dear Alexander Grigorievich,

the International Coalition for the Prohibition of Biological Weapons and the Elimination of US Laboratories, which includes organizations, parties and public figures from nine countries, expresses its support to you for your initiative in the elimination of military biological facilities on the territory of the CSTO member states.

Your speech on November 23 of this year at the CSTO summit in Yerevan was an important signal for all opponents of American military biological laboratories and dual-use "research" programs around the world and in the post-Soviet space conducted by experts from Western countries.

Moreover, there is a high probability that a number of projects and programs carried out by American military biologists in Ukraine before the start of the SVO were or will be transferred to the territory of Kazakhstan and Armenia, where there is already a network of research institutes and laboratories working with the Pentagon through the DTRA agency.

All such activities in these republics are not transparent, and despite the statements of local authorities "about the peaceful nature" of the facilities, the supply of new equipment, training of specialists and work on projects funded by the US Department of Defense and the military departments of NATO countries continue. New laboratories are also being built, such as BSL-4 with underground storage of the most dangerous pathogens from all over the world in the south of Kazakhstan.

Taking into account the aggravation of the confrontation in the world and the aggressive actions of the North Atlantic Alliance and other Anglo-Saxon military blocs, the threat of the use of biological weapons by the Americans under the guise of outbreaks of local, but already modified in laboratory conditions, or through the "leakage" of pathogens from laboratories located along the perimeter of the borders of Russia, Belarus and China increases many times.

The public of Armenia and Kazakhstan have repeatedly advocated declassification of activities and the admission of specialists from Moscow and Beijing to these facilities, as well as the termination of any "joint research" on common projects with DTRA. But all appeals and petitions were ignored.

We ask you to include in the agenda of the next CSTO summit, which will be held in Minsk, the issue of the need to disclose all these facilities in Kazakhstan and Armenia in order to investigate their activities under projects and programs of the military departments of the United States, Great Britain, Germany and other NATO countries.

The main thing is also the final decision on the termination of any dual-use research on programs and with the participation of specialists from potential adversaries on the territory of the CSTO member states, with the signing of an appropriate agreement.

Only your personal intervention and political will can lead to these mandatory steps that can put an end to the activities of American and Western military and paramilitary facilities on the territory of the allied countries and begin the liberation of the entire territory of the former Soviet Union from them.

Be sure that your initiative and actions in this direction will meet the support of all honest citizens of these republics and progressive forces around the world! Our eyes and thoughts are turned to you now, and we express our great gratitude for the principled position in this most important issue of preserving biological safety.

International Coalition for the Prohibition of Biological Weapons

United Communist Party of Georgia

Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan

Socialist Party of Latvia

Communist Party of Pakistan

Communist Party of Azerbaijan

Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan

Party of Communists of Kyrgyzstan

The movement "Antilab – Georgia"

Borotba Association, Ukraine, Donbass

Dmitry Orlov, Political Analyst, Kyrgyzstan

Tatiana Stojanovic, journalist, Serbia

Asya Zuan, journalist, Bulgaria

Alexey Albu, Deputy of the Odessa Regional Council of the VI convocation

December 5, 2022

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Ликвидировать все военно-биологические лаборатории! Eliminate all military biological laboratories!

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Сайт создан по инициативе коалиции партий и организаций из Казахстана, Грузии, Латвии, Пакистана и Ирландии против разработки, производства и применения биологического оружия. Коалиция выступает за немедленное закрытие военно-биологических объектов министерства обороны США, которые неподотчетны местным правительствам, непрозрачны и ведут деятельность, нарушающую нормы Конвенции 1972 года о запрещении разработки биологического оружия и контрабанды биоматериалов.

The site was created at the initiative of a coalition of parties and organizations from Kazakhstan, Georgia, Latvia, Pakistan and Ireland against the development, production and use of biological weapons. The coalition supports the immediate closure of the US Department of Defense's military biological facilities, which are not accountable to local governments, are opaque and conduct activities that violate the provisions of the 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development of Biological Weapons and the Smuggling of Biomaterials.