Ainur Kurmanov: The American military biological laboratory in Almaty should be closed immediately!
The presence of the Pentagon's military laboratory in Kazakhstan is a political issue that calls...
At the end of May, a new campaign began among the Communist and workers ' parties, initiated by a coalition of parties against the production of biological weapons proliferation and the closure of US military biological laboratories. Recall that this coalition includes the Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan, the United Communist Party of Georgia, the Socialist Party of Latvia and the Communist Party of Pakistan.
Representatives of the coalition invited the parties that are part of the union of communist and workers ' parties to sign a collective petition, in which they pointed out the threatening increase in spending on the production of new weapons from Western countries against the background of an increasing pandemic. Thus, only " the United States, as the most important hegemon of world imperialism, spent $ 778.0 billion on weapons, which is 39% of the total world spending."
The members of the coalition also pointed to significant investments by the Pentagon in the development of new types of biological weapons: "According to American scientists published in the press, the United States has spent more than $ 100 billion on the offensive biological weapons industry over the past twenty years. 13 thousand biologists in 400 laboratories in the United States are busy creating new strains of combat killer microbes (offensivekillergerms) that are resistant to vaccines."
But the most threatening thing is that such developments are being carried out just in the former republics of the USSR along the perimeter of the borders of Russia and China, since 1,495 laboratories created by Americans around the world, some of them are deployed in Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries. "In a situation of aggravation of international struggle and competition, the accumulated biological warfare agents can be used by the US military against its opponents, which will lead to catastrophic consequences," the petition states.
At the same time, the biggest dissatisfaction of the campaign organizers was caused by the information that the Americans, together with Kazakh scientists, are developing the possibility of transmitting strains of the most dangerous and modernized diseases through local domesticated animals common in Central Asia, the Russian Altai, Mongolia and the western regions of China. In other words, this is a clear evidence that Pentagon specialists are preparing for biological warfare on the territory of Kazakhstan.
"It is of concern that new developments of biological weapons are being conducted. In particular, it became known that in Kazakhstan, a number of research institutes and a laboratory built by the Americans are conducting military biological research under the Pentagon program, which is called "Camelsasbiosurveillancesentinels: Riskatthehuman-camelinterface". The object of study is camels as natural carriers of a number of diseases in order to use them as containers for the spread of artificially created viruses," the initiators of the campaign indicate in their statement.
It is noteworthy that in addition to the parties from the post-Soviet space, communists from Western countries signed the document. Thus, the text of the petition was signed by parties from Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Great Britain, Catalonia, Serbia, Croatia and Canada. An important contribution to the promotion of the campaign and in general to the development of the movement to close military biological laboratories is made by the Communist Party of Greece, which has its deputies both in the national parliament and the European Parliament.
For the first time, the oldest Communist Party of France took part in the campaign, which has a long tradition and is also an influential party with representation in the trade unions in parliament and at the European level. This was achieved by establishing direct contact and holding meetings with the study of the political situation in both Kazakhstan and France.
At the same time, it is too early to put an end to this subscription campaign, since negotiations are still underway with other parties that are studying the issue of joining. It is likely that during July, a number of other parties from the EU, Latin America, the United States and Asian countries will sign the petition. As a result of the dissemination of information materials that preceded the petition, there was interest and understanding among various left-wing parties in different parts of the world.
An important circumstance is that the coalition has its own information resource, which will host materials of new campaigns, publications on the topic of biological weapons and the need to develop the fight to eliminate American military biological laboratories both in the post-Soviet space and in all countries of the globe. Website address: and it is called Antilab, which does not require translation and is understandable in many languages.
The members of the coalition intend to further develop the movement by joining new organizations and parties, as well as scientists, journalists, biologists and anti-war activists. And accordingly, the campaign continues!
Information Service of the Coalition for the Elimination of American Military Biological Laboratories
The presence of the Pentagon's military laboratory in Kazakhstan is a political issue that calls...
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Сайт создан по инициативе коалиции партий и организаций из Казахстана, Грузии, Латвии, Пакистана и Ирландии против разработки, производства и применения биологического оружия. Коалиция выступает за немедленное закрытие военно-биологических объектов министерства обороны США, которые неподотчетны местным правительствам, непрозрачны и ведут деятельность, нарушающую нормы Конвенции 1972 года о запрещении разработки биологического оружия и контрабанды биоматериалов.
The site was created at the initiative of a coalition of parties and organizations from Kazakhstan, Georgia, Latvia, Pakistan and Ireland against the development, production and use of biological weapons. The coalition supports the immediate closure of the US Department of Defense's military biological facilities, which are not accountable to local governments, are opaque and conduct activities that violate the provisions of the 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development of Biological Weapons and the Smuggling of Biomaterials.