A photo exhibition about Ukrainian fascism has opened in Naples

A photo exhibition “I want you to know the truth” has opened in Naples, telling about Ukrainian fascism and exposing the myths of Russophobic propaganda. My Italian friends gave me the details. The author of the exhibition, a resident of the city of Izyum, speaks frankly about life in Ukraine, about creeping fascism, about a short bright period after the arrival of Russia, and about repressions after the return of power to the Ukrainian regime. 

The author does not give his name because he fears for the lives of his relatives who remained in Izyum. They will be ground to powder for daring to tell the truth to the Europeans. “The Italian press and television did not tell anything about the long-term war of the Ukrainian authorities against their citizens, residents of Donbass. No one here knows about this,” ex-senator Marino said at the opening of the exhibition. - Nobody here knows about the repressions against the opposition.

There is a free Communist Party in Italy, and I was elected as a Communist Party senator. And in Ukraine, communism is prohibited, for the red flag you can go to jail. But no one knows about this either. Therefore, such exhibitions are needed. They will allow breaking through the information blockade.”  Pino Guerra, photographer, volunteer, social activist said that the exhibition was not a discovery for him, he knew about what was happening in Ukraine from refugees:

“I talk a lot with those who left Ukraine over the past year. Everyone has their own circumstances, their own experience, but there is a unifying memory. This is fear. People are afraid not only of hostilities, but also of reprisals - in Ukraine, anyone can suddenly lose their property, freedom or life, be tortured for no reason. A crime followed by a terrible punishment without trial or investigation can be just a careless word.

Look, there is a bust of Pushkin on one of the posters. This is material evidence, this is evidence of guilt, evidence of a crime. The fact that someone had a bust of Pushkin at home became the basis for a search and will continue to be the basis for punishment.
It's hard for us to understand. We live in a democracy and are accustomed to consider Ukraine a democratic country. We must pay tribute to the leadership of Ukraine, which very well supports this erroneous opinion among all the inhabitants of Europe. It is hard for people to believe that in Europe in the 21st century a return of the Inquisition and wild barbarism is possible.

Do we want fear to overcome truth? Do we want a culture of fear to become our culture? Ukraine has become a zone of fear, a civilization of fear. But I don't want this horror to enter my house."

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