Klara Azhybekova on the need for consolidation to fight against the American military biological threat


AZHYBEKOVA KLARA – 1st Secretary of the Communist Party of Kyrgyzstan Central Committee, Chairman of the CC (Coordination Council) of the People's Movement "For the Union and Brotherhood of Peoples", PhD, Professor. The topic is "The need to consolidate social and political forces to counter imperialist plans for the use of biological and toxin weapons and the expansion of the International Coalition."

Over the past 31 years of the destruction of the Soviet Union, the world has transformed beyond recognition! Everyone believed that now the world will be unified, all contradictions between states will be overcome and we will flourish in democratic legal states! But it wasn't there! Everything turned out to be a deception and self-deception! The world of imperialism said one thing in words, in fact it set the tasks of complete enslavement of all post-Soviet republics, and with various technologies!

To reduce the population, especially on the territory of the Soviet Union, NATO countries led by the United States have launched a very dangerous special operation! Which one? IN THE POST-SOVIET REPUBLICS, THEY BEGAN TO INTRODUCE THEIR OWN BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES FOR dual PURPOSES: SCIENTIFIC AND COMBAT, MILITARY PURPOSES! First of all, they began to introduce them where there were already good centers such as plague stations, where cholera, tularemia prevention stations worked, etc. Then they began to build ultra-modern laboratories at their discretion under the leadership of NATO and the PENTAGON! These laboratories already exist in almost many post-Soviet states! The leadership of these republics deceive their peoples, and it seems to deceive themselves! They claim that these laboratories have only a purely scientific research value! In fact, a bacteriological weapon is a time bomb! It is no less dangerous than nuclear weapons, because it is invisible, people do not see the danger when they eat infected food, or come into contact with infected animals, plants, vegetables and fruits! When they get shots for some diseases, they actually get infected! HUGE SCOURGES AND SUFFERINGS are being CREATED in these bacteriological laboratories for people who will die by the thousands from these infections! Gentlemen, the leaders of the post-Soviet states, just stop! Close these open bio laboratories! They will kill you and your children and grandchildren! Are these American dollar small spits in us worth more than your children and grandchildren, your brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers? Our highly respected heads of state, please think! Do not be mistaken yourselves and do not mislead all your surroundings and your peoples! The laboratories of NATO and the Pentagon will never be engaged in just scientific research! They are either creating a new BIOWEAPON OR MODIFYING an OLD BIOWEAPON! 
WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO COUNTERACT THESE BIOLABS? Undoubtedly, it is the implementation of the International Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons of the UN General Assembly of 16 Dec.1971 and signed on April 10, 1972. 

Close all the biolabs on the entire post-Soviet territory, working under the auspices of the Pentagon and NATO! 
 To achieve these goals, political and public organizations must start working to neutralize the activities of these human killers - bacteriological laboratories! 

  1. Setting up movements of similar Anti-Lab in each republic, possibly by the forces of political parties, most likely with similar ideological positions to us! They already exist in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and others.
  2. Holding rallies, pickets, marches around the world, just like in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia. Such rallies can become a part of other party events, involving the press, television, Internet, newspapers and magazines! It is especially relevant where these laboratories exist and there have already been infections, deaths, and so on.
  3.  Demanding an answer from the authorities! Why are they located here, if their mortal danger is known! 
  4. Holding scientific conferences, round tables, preferably involving the public and political organizations concerned! We mustn’t let in the forces that reflect the interests of Western countries, American forces!
  5.  Bacteriological laboratories should become the agenda of party organizations, congresses, plenums! They should work in close cooperation with the Anti-Lab Coalition, and party organizations should know about all their decisions.
  6.  The result can be more effective if you work with government agencies. The coalition is already working together with the CSTO, SCO, EAEU, CIS, which gives certain results.
  7. In each republic, the bodies responsible for STATE SECURITY are obliged to deal with this issue! It is necessary to stress the significance of this problem by addressing them, or showing them this problem through Internet resources, about events or plans of certain government structures! Fortunately, we do not have these biological laboratories in Kyrgyzstan yet! But they are constantly trying to secretly bargain their placement Kyrgyzstan through the Cabinet of Ministers! First in Osh regional hospital, then in Naryn region! After Ukraine, the USA and NATO are feverishly looking for new shelters around Russia and China.
   8. The general staffs of the armed forces of the republics, which, having military intelligence, should also be engaged in biological intelligence! Now tectonic exploration, electronic, radioactive exploration! The affairs of the military are becoming more and more complicated! 
9. The parliaments of the republics should also raise their voices, adopt special laws prohibiting such bacteriological laboratories, and governments should use their full potential for this purpose: schools, universities, teachers, university rectors, school principals. So the State Duma of the Russian Federation is already considering it in its committees. 
Creation of documentaries, videos, media, articles, and other resources. 

10. It will be possible to really stop the activities of biological laboratories only with the revival of the Soviet Union!!! The ANTI-IMPERIALIST PLATFORM is gaining strength in the world! FOR THE WORLD OF SOCIALISM! So we should all work in this direction.
The victory will be for socialism and the Soviet Union! It will eliminate all the bacteriological laboratories! 

Thank you for your attention! February 25, 2023

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Ликвидировать все военно-биологические лаборатории! Eliminate all military biological laboratories!

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Сайт создан по инициативе коалиции партий и организаций из Казахстана, Грузии, Латвии, Пакистана и Ирландии против разработки, производства и применения биологического оружия. Коалиция выступает за немедленное закрытие военно-биологических объектов министерства обороны США, которые неподотчетны местным правительствам, непрозрачны и ведут деятельность, нарушающую нормы Конвенции 1972 года о запрещении разработки биологического оружия и контрабанды биоматериалов.

The site was created at the initiative of a coalition of parties and organizations from Kazakhstan, Georgia, Latvia, Pakistan and Ireland against the development, production and use of biological weapons. The coalition supports the immediate closure of the US Department of Defense's military biological facilities, which are not accountable to local governments, are opaque and conduct activities that violate the provisions of the 1972 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development of Biological Weapons and the Smuggling of Biomaterials.