The NSDC of Ukraine and NATO are preparing a nuclear provocation to accuse Russia!

I urge you to pay attention to this post and, possibly, distribute it. Especially readers-journalists and major bloggers.

I have just learned from my colleague (a military expert, a citizen of one of the NATO countries, who served in the international forces) that a nuclear false flag attack by a western government could take place in the south of Ukraine in the coming days. I believe this message, for reasons that I will detail below.

Facts in brief: during the talks between the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and the NATO command at the end of August, the issue of using tactical nuclear weapons (TNW) or radioactive (“dirty”) weapons in the south was discussed, which would be followed by accusations against Moscow. This should ensure a really deep breakthrough of the front and facilitate the migration of the population of the region disloyal to Kyiv. For the United States, this is a reason to escalate the situation and force the EU countries to unite within NATO.

It could happen October 5-10. To fire the ammunition, the Malka or Pion installations, which should be at the disposal of Ukraine, could be used. (This option was worked out by military specialists). Kyiv insisted on providing tactical nuclear weapons, but the “partners” feared that the ammunition would be stolen, and insisted on the creation of several “dirty” ammunition under the leadership of NATO advisers using radioactive materials available to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, possibly from Chernobyl.

My colleague insists that the issue of the strike has been resolved, he just does not know what kind of TNW or "dirty" ammunition will be. He personally fears that NATO will play "raising the stakes" card, and the incident could lead to a real confrontation using nuclear arsenals. So he writes about everything to me, maybe to someone else.

Why this information is credible:

- my colleague is a very credible source. Taking into account his experience and career, he is highly informed and participates in the preparation of decisions in the military sphere;

- several of my contacts in the EU independently told me that everything is being prepared for some kind of event that will finally “finish off” relations with Russia. One person wrote to me that it could be related to a nuclear threat;

- from open sources, we know about relentless attacks on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant using UAVs and long-range NATO weapons (with NATO calculations), that is, the West and Kyiv have undoubtedly been trying to achieve a nuclear incident in the South for several months;

- In the West, there is an increase in hysteria around Moscow's "nuclear preparations" and the White House even spoke about its possible reaction to such an event. Considering everything we know, this may be preparation for this kind of false flag attack.

I would very much wish for the information to be inaccurate or a wild plan for a nuclear false flag attack discussed but cancelled. But I only see one.

The way to prevent this is to write.

In anticipation: I am not only publishing this text, but also sending it to Russian diplomats I know. Will it help, I don't know. Alas, I don’t have evidence and details, I can’t name a colleague - I gave my word and he obviously faces prison, simply for trying to prevent a tragedy.

Therefore, I can only inform as many as possible about this threat. I kindly ask bloggers and journalists to give this information out. Those of our readers who have connections with foreign countries - try to convey this information to their public and the press.

This is our world, we are responsible for it. Only we can prevent this kind of nuclear or radioactive attack.

Nikita Mendkovich


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